2:00 pm: BEACH, i don't know that i would call it the beach because a beach, to me, is where there are waves from the ocean. this was the beach at our rv park which is on more of a lagoon that eventually leads out to the ocean.
cousin kele came with us and we built sandcastles. we forgot our sand toys, so we were very limited on "tools" for building. a nice girl shared her sand toys with us. i made a drip castle with lala, after which she said, "i don't really like drip castles." well, fine!! she then asked daddy to build a castle with her, a much bigger castle than my drip castle!
5:00 pm: PIZZA BAKERY, 1 pepperoni pizza and 1 white pizza. super yummy!
6:30 pm: BALL FOUNTAIN @ FASHION ISLAND, there is the neatest fountain at this outdoor mall. it is a flat surface with holes in the ground. you can walk on the fountain as it shoots little balls of water up into the air. you better watch out, because you just might get wet!
kawena and i both got wet while at the center of the fountain, but we just laughed about it!
7:00 pm: GELATO PARADISO, the best gelato ever!
7:30 pm: stop at the KOI POND on the way to the CAROUSEL, i loved the tiger lala picked to ride!
8:00 pm: stop at one more FOUNTAIN as we are leaving. mitch, nani and i were playing with the fountain trying to get each other wet. in the process we got an innocent bystander wet. she loved it and encouraged us to do it again!
8:20 pm: go down the ESCALATOR, go up the escalator, go down the escalator
8:50 pm: arrive back at tutu's house
great pictures. I can tell you are having such a good time. Is Lala feeling better now?
How fun! That one where you can't see your face and your holding kawena I almost thought it was me with that green shirt! Haha! Oh... And if you look really close... the one of you guys at the last fountain... i'm in the background cuz mom's talking to me on the phone! Yay now I feel like I was really there!
I love the look of pure joy on all your faces!!
What fun! I can't wait to see my baby girl again! I hope you feel better soon, Mahina!
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