Saturday, September 08, 2007


i don't know what it is about kids and dirt, but lala sure had a great time digging in it yesterday.

i bought some new flowers to replace the sad, dying ones that were in our front yard. so, after i put kawena down for her nap lala and i had some mommy/daughter time. she was such a big helper digging holes for me. before we started she told me, "i will dig ALL of the holes. only me. you can put the plants in the holes!" that lasted for about a minute. we had something like 20 holes to dig!
i love working in the dirt with lala. she makes yard work so much more enjoyable with her constant chatter! she is my ray of sunshine! it's been really nice to have one on one time with lala every afternoon while nani is in ALL day school and kawena is napping!

give me lala and a bunch of dirt and we could have a great time any day!


Bridget said...

what cute pics of Lala!

haven't seen you around my blog for a while....since I did that youtube of miss south carolina. I hope I didn't offend you. I certainly don't think every chic who does pageants is dumb. She just made a particular fool of herself, that's all.

Elizabeth Dimit said...

Well, we know she loves sand, so I guess dirt is a natural extension of that! :-) What fun to have time with La-La!

Tutu lady said...

LaLa, you must have a green thumb. Just watch those flowers grow! Good job. Love, Tutu

Darilyn said...

very cute pictures. I loved having that time with Heidi when her older siblings were in school and Heidi was in morning pre-school. We had such a fun year together doing things just the two of us. Have fun this year with her.

Darilyn said...

Okay, I started to scroll down on your blog to read the next post. YOU COULD HAVE WARNED ME!!!!!!!!! I just stopped and scrolled right back up so I have NO IDEA what it says. It will remain a mystery to me.

Malia said...

How fun! I'm remembering visiting when we first planted some stuff in there! Of course Lala loves playing in the dirt... its Lala we;re talking about!

Malia said...

PS... love the Kitaro on your playlist!

Elizabeth Dimit said...

Agree with Darilyn. Nice post! Love the pix of the snake where he looks humongous! :-)