Wednesday, November 03, 2010

what’s going on in my neck of the desert

well, it’s been a long time since i last posted. since then i have grown quite a bit in the belly area, but unfortunately do not have any pictures of it. i kept planning on taking another photo, specifically on the day i was 30 weeks. obviously, i didn’t snap that photo, and i regret it because the following day i landed myself in the hospital totally unexpectedly!!


here’s what happened:


thursday, october 21st (30 weeks + 1 day) i went to my regularly scheduled perinatologist appointment to have an “ffn” (fetal fiber nectin, a test that will tell us if i will go into labor in the next 10 days to 2 weeks),  to check my cervical length (not dilation), and to monitor the boys. totally routine for a twin pregnancy at 30 weeks.


as i watched the monitor while they measured the length of my cervix i noticed the numbers on the screen. my heart sank because i knew it was bad! two weeks prior at my previous appointment my cervical length was 3.3 which was fine. they had told me that as long as i am above 2.5 there are no worries, but if the cervix ever shortened to 2.5 they would become concerned that the babies are coming soon.


in order to get an accurate number they measure the cervical length several times. as i watched, i saw numbers like 1.7, 1.3, 1.5. so, they called the doctor in to talk with me. he tells me that they are concerned that my cervix has shortened significantly and past the point of concern. they want to monitor my contractions (i hadn’t been having any painful contractions, just braxton hicks type tightening, for months, which is totally normal for me!) and check my cervix for dilation. after that fun exam they told me i was dilated to a 1 and they were sending me directly to the hospital.


as i drove myself to the hospital, somewhat shocked, i call my friend who is watching my other children and mitch to break the news to them. the rest of the afternoon and the next day was filled with blood draws and monitoring, iv’s with nasty medicines like magnesium to slow the contraction (which give me major weird hot flashes in my hands and ears and eyeballs) and shots of steroids to mature the boys lungs.


they kept me in the hospital for 4 days totally expecting me to have these babies. by sunday, they realized that the contractions were under control, but not stopped. they had taken me off of the magnesium drip and given me a medicine that i could take at home to relax the uterus.  they checked my cervix again and i was still at a 1, no change was good!  so, they sent me home with a prescription and orders for strict bed rest and instructions to only get out of bed to go potty and to shower every other day. they told me to call on monday to my ob to schedule a follow-up appointment for that week.


i got all settled at home, had a minor breakdown when i saw the kids and then pulled myself back together and resigned myself to spending the duration of my pregnancy laid up in my bed.  i was extremely good about my sentence instructions. mitch made very sure that i was obedient to the doctors orders.


on tuesday, october 26th, 2 days after my release, i went to my follow-up appointment and it happened again.  after checking for dilation my ob sent me back to the hospital!!  in those short 2 days i had dilated from a 1 to 3.5, without any painful contractions!  as i left the office on my way back to the hospital, my doctor said, “don’t schedule an appointment on your way out because i won’t be seeing you in the office again while you’re pregnant!”  i was so bummed!


so, it has been 8 days since my second admittance to the hospital.  things are still under control. i am given my “control the contractions” medicine every 6 hours and monitored for contractions and listen to the boys heartbeats twice a day. i am able to get out of bed to go potty and shower every 3 days. i eat hospital food 4 times a day, and lay around in a hospital gown. i watch re-runs, read books, nap, write thank you notes, talk to friends and family, enjoy visitors, skype my kids and husband daily, and miss them every moment they’re not with me.  i’m getting to know the nurses really well and am starting to settle into my new life. and now we just wait…


the boys are sounding great on the monitors and growing like crazy.  the doctor said that if i make it to 35 weeks (3 more weeks, the day before thanksgiving) they could send me home to go into labor on my own.  however, they are shocked that i am still pregnant now!  i get the feeling that they think i won’t make it that far!  i don’t know that i share their skepticism and i hope to prove them wrong!  hey, we’ve done it once before when the doctors and midwives said my complete placenta previa with mahea would not move and i would have to have a c-section!  it moved and i didn’t have a c-section.  we have a way of surprising the medical community, so i say “why can’t we do it now?!!”


these are the ones i miss every hour of every day:


this picture is hanging on my wall in my hospital room so i can look at them whenever i want or need to!


things that i have missed while in the hospital: kale’a’s 7th birthday party, halloween (the girls did come to the hospital dressed in their costumes, though).


Katie Smith said...

Oh gosh Mahina. I'm getting all teary reading your post. Hang in there. You are such a trooper and you have such a wonderful supportive family. You prove those Doctors wrong dangit!

We will be praying for you and those boys.

Rachel said...

Thanks for the big update! i'm so sorry you're in the hospital for the next month! How stinky! But you're a trooper and you're getting two little boys out of this. You can do it!

Michal said...

I'm crying, too. I can't imagine spending that long in the hospital and away from my family. You stay strong and remember that even this sentence is better than having babies in the nicu if you can avoid it. I pray you have lots of help and that the Lord will bless your little family to weather this storm well. Love and kisses to you all.

au said...

Hi Mahina,
It's been a long time. Wow, your life has been so full. Your family is beautiful! I am so sorry that you are stuck on bed rest but after reading some of your blog posts, I know that you will make it through this. You are amazing. I'll be praying for you and the boys to be healthy. I enjoyed reading the blog about your special day from Mitch. You are so blessed to have such an amazingly supportive husband. I look forward to seeing the pictures of the new little ones.

Amanda D said...

Wow! I'm so glad you've updated us. We'll be praying for you and those boys. Good luck over the next few weeks!

Scott-n-Allison said...

We just had a lesson on patience and waiting in R.S. You'll be a pro if you make it in that hospital bed another 3 weeks!!!

Those boys obviously want to make an appearance...and be here in time for the holiday fun!

Sending happiness and patience your way...xoxoxo

The Yoder's Five said...

Hang in there!!! Sounds like you're handling things very well--I don't know if I could do it. Hope those babies stay inside until they're good and ready!

Darilyn said...

I cannot even imagine being in the hospital that long. I'm glad you have plenty of things to do and that you are getting to see your family. It's good that you are taking care of yourself and your new boys. I can't wait to see them!

Momof8 said...

I know a little of what you're going through--my nurse told me I was the first patient she had ever seen who smiled when given magnesium sulfate. I smiled because I was trembling with the cold and it felt so good to be warm again.

Anyway, my four-week stay in the hospital was well worth it. Savannah is a blessing to our family.

I have your girls today (Thursday) and they are so sweet! I loved spending time with your Kawena and Mahea this morning. You are blessed with good-natured, happy children!

Hang in there! You're in our prayers!

Unknown said...

You must be going nuts! Wouldn't it be easier to just have the boys, leave them at the hospital for a while and let the staff care for them? I'm just kidding of course, you're a great mom! Love you guys. Thanks for the update.

paula said...

Hang in there..

Erika said...

Thanks for the more detailed post and the facebook updates.
We're praying for you and your boys.

Anonymous said...

Oh Mahina, you poor thing. I can't imagine being on bed rest, let alone bed rest in the hospital. You will be in my prayers. Take care and I am sure you will show those doctors.

Tonya said...


That's what you are.

Sorry for all the craziness! These cute little boys will be so worth it.

And you have such a great husband who loves and supports you all the way.

You are one lucky woman.

Amanda said...

Oh, Mahina! I can't believe it! I'm glad you and the babies are healthy, at least! That's a blessing. But a month at the hospital? Wow! It's a good thing you have such a good husband! Please take care of yourself. Give me a call if you have down time and want to chat!

Lauren in GA said...

Oh, Mahina...I am crying right now...I remember, too well, not being able to leave the hospital. You have such a great attitude. You are an amazing person!!! When you said that they gave you shots to grow the boys' lungs it instantly took me back to my experience.

Your family is so beautiful. I love that family picture.

I will send prayers your way!! I will pray those sweet boys get to grow and grow and grow!