we left friday afternoon, had a layover, and got in around midnight. and this little baby sure was a trooper!
you'd think that she would be so exhausted that she would sleep, but no! she was happy and hyper!
if you ever find yourself on an airplane in a very confined space with a hyper, yet happy baby, here are some things that you can do to keep her entertained:
*give her a cup or two of ice, just be prepared to clean up a few water spills:
**teach her how to scale the leather seats, like a monkey:
***give her a baby wipe so she can blow her nose, and "clean" the windows, and the seats, and the tray tables:
****then, during your layover, let her run around in an attempt to wear her out so much that she will sleep on your last flight:
but, of course, in our case it didn't work. she was up until we reached grandma's house! that made for a very trying day today as we drove around for several hours looking at land with a realtor!
we made this quick trip to albuquerque, nm because mitch has a job interview on tuesday. thanks to bridget who is bravely watching our two older ones for the weekend, we were able to make the trip with only the baby!
we thought the other two would be sad that they weren't coming with us, but every morning for the last week the first thing they would say is, "how many more days until you leave? i can't wait for the party!" i guess we are they sad ones that they were so excited for us to leave!
we thought the other two would be sad that they weren't coming with us, but every morning for the last week the first thing they would say is, "how many more days until you leave? i can't wait for the party!" i guess we are they sad ones that they were so excited for us to leave!
although, nani did tell me friday morning after mitch left for work, "mommie, i almost had tears in my eyes when daddy was leaving!"
well, i guess that makes me almost feel better!
Okay, the pictures of her scaling the seat and running in her little boots are SO adorable! They're just as cute as the one where you got her crying when you were trying to take the girls' holiday pictures. I just want to reach out and kiss her! Bring her home safely to me! Oh, and good luck to Mitch on Tuesday! :-)
you are such a great storyteller through pictures and captions. you could be the next pioneer woman (do you know her blog?)
that looks like a very eventful flight! good luck as you check out new mexico.
Thank you for the wonderful advice on how to keep your little one happy on a plane...it was a true public service :)
She is so cute!
I know what you mean about the older kids not seeming to miss you. I am waiting my oldest to say, "don't let the door hit ya on your way out" when I leave sometimes.
What cute pics! Kawena is a riot.
Your girls are doing great by the way. Sorry we missed your call last night. We went to adult session stake conference so we had a babysitter then.
Have a fabulous time and don't worry about us here.
You have been busy, haven't you? I also have been, so didn't get to look at your post till this late sunday morning. Lucky grandma! I'm envious. I love your lil' rascal. Such good pictures, really tell the story.
Hmmmmm, this is a new development. Best wishes, if this is your new plan.
I'm feeling a little left out because I didn't know anything about this. I don't want you to move.
don't feel left out, we didn't tell anyone except bridget and elizbeth because they are helping watch our girls.
in fact, my mom just read about it for the first time here on my blog just like you! she called me today to find out what this was all about!
Have a great time in NM. Sounds like decisions and changes are heading your way...
Good luck to Mitch and enjoy the sun!
I know I have said it before, but Kawena is too cute for words!!!! Flying with a toddler is always so fun. (There is a hint of sarcasm in that phrase.)
Have a safe trip and good luck with any upcoming changes.
Your girls are doing great Bridget. We sat with her yesterday during stake conference and they were great. Blake had stickers all over himself but they were very good. Can't wait to hear how everything went.
Kewena is so cute!
So were Mitch's parents SOOOO surprised to see you? It's a good thing you took the baby...they would have killed you if you'd shown up with NO grandkids in tow. Good luck to Mitch at the job interview!
What?!?! New Mexico? You know how I feel about that. But I hope all went well! Kawena is soo funny! Love all the pictures! Love you guys!
I LOVE the airplane/airport pictures! Anyone who has traveled with little ones can totally appreciate them. I especially love the jammies with boots!
I'm flying to Utah in June with all 3 kids and no spouse so I hope your suggestions for the 18 month old work out! I'm ALREADY nervous about it. Anyway, good luck in NM. I think it will always feel a little bit like home to me.
I always dreaded flying with little ones, but it usually went okay.
So did you find what you were looking for? Now that you've spilled the beans you have to keep us posted.
Love your blog.
I love that pic of Kawena running in her boots. It is sooooo cute!
LOVE the pictures!! New Mexico? Great! Good luck!
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