Wednesday, February 02, 2011

snow day


we are on our second snow day, today!  in the past, or more specifically before the twins were born, i did not like snow days when school was cancelled.  however, things have changed!  now, i look forward to the days that the three oldest are home, for the simple fact that i have extra hands and helpers!


you see, having the twins, who are so dependent on others, and our high spirited 2 year old at home with just me brings it’s challenges!  i struggle on the days when the two oldest are at school all day and kawena is at preschool in the morning.  i cannot leave the boys where mae mae can reach them without me right there.  if i put them in their swings she likes to hang on the swing and put her face right in their faces.  if i put them on the ground or on the couch or even in their bouncy chairs, mae mae is on top of them giving them “love”.  she loves to poke their eyes or squeeze their heads or other “fun” things.


on those days, i have to get creative in figuring out how to keep the boys safe from their loving youngest sister.  much of the time, i have to lock them in my bedroom, hopefully asleep, so she doesn’t have access to them.


so, you can see why i LOVE snow days… all of my little helpers, so willing to be of service!  before we went from a family of 6 to a family of 8, snow days were an annoyance because it meant i had to change my plans.  i don’t have many plans these days, aside from staying at home and keeping the twins safe, so that isn’t a problem! :o)


so, we say… bring on the snow!!


it has been very cold outside!  in fact, it has become very obvious that this house is very old and needs new windows in a bad way! 


when there is frost on the inside of the window, you know you need new windows.  i can almost see the $$ seeping out and blowing away in the arctic wind.  at least the girls are making the best of it:


window art!  and one lucky person will get to clean the windows once it all melts away leaving cute, little, dirty hand prints! who will it be?  i have my suspicions, but i will keep it to myself! :o)


the cold didn’t, however, keep the girls from going out for a little snow fun in the backyard.  i believe it was somewhere around 8 degrees when they were outside.  i could only be out there for a few short minutes to capture these pictures and then i was back inside where it was toasty!




















the girls L.O.V.E. all of the icicles and we’ve got tons of them all around our house. 


all together… ready… one… two… three…






















yes, we are ALL enjoying our snow day!